Monday, June 2, 2008

here n der..

Phew… Its been in n out of Delhi recently .. n today finally im bak to doin exactly wat im used to .. nothing…
The last two weeks hv been a blur 2 trips n both of dem totally different.. the one wid college frnds to mussourie.. well.. we didn’t knw whr we were goin till even 1 day before the trip hopping between manali, nainital n rishikesh… apparently even 6 guys cant make up der minds n come to a consensus. In fact most of our decisions even during the trip were made based on a coin toss. On da oder hand da 1 to Egypt, well dat 1 had been planned smwhr in mid march!!

Neways da road trip to mussourie .. well.. was.. unorthodox to say da least.. u knw .. u’d expect 6 guys to go totally crazy gvn da freedom we had.. but dis isn’t roadies.. its was boardies… we were travellin wid an infant ( mittal ) n a senior citizen (deepu)…. N den of course ders maa( jatin)… is family ko chod kar bache hum teen paraaye mard .. who had simply tagged along on der family holiday… kansal, shanty n me.. expect kiya tha?
Mittal beta ko har jagah bas so jaana hota hai … throughout da journey .. bas.. totally out.. when he wud wake up… he’d wanna vomit!!.. baaki time uske khaane peene ka bhi dhyaan rakhna padhta hai … oderwise u never knw when he might just faint… yeah quite an adventure
Deepu, well uncleji was on his own trip … admiring da nature around .. appreciating the sound of the creeks n the chirping of da birds.. yeah again u cn expect us to have da time of our lives wid ppl aged 60 stuck in a child’s body
Jatin autny was still alrite… but still da destination .. paradise as it was.. had just sooo much to do … 1 waterfall… dats it!!! After goin thru sooo many probable destinations .. y on earth did we go 4 dis?? Dunno yet … but I guess atleast we made da most of dat waterfall… when I say we.. I obviously mean dose who r old enuf to drive n yet hv nt retired… cause as we trekked up da waterfall da infant simply had to be carried n kept cryin everytime he had to use more dan his feet … while uncleji simply chose to take da stairs as he walked along admiring nature n all ..blah blah… u knw oderwise da pain in his joints wud start up again…
So if u wanna knw nethin abt mussourie.. as in wat to do whr to go… yeah … dnt ask me… in 3 days .. I learnt dat it has sm nice places to eat.. and… yeah .. dats abt it.. n also.. plz take ppl ur age to da trip

N den .. 1 day after cmin bak… off to Egypt wid family… well… in transit.. was Jordan.. 4 hrs at da airport.. n even dat was put to use…. Suddenly after da sleepy lazy sort of trip I had just had… dis was quite da escapade.. almost as if it had a fast background tune to it all <>… neways… da dead sea was 1 hr away frm da airport.. we rushed out of da plane.. took a cab der.. dove n rushed bak… to be on our way to Egypt…
Da dead sea.. most ppl aren’t aware is da lowest point on earth on land.. not only dat .. da water in it is so saline (30% salt.. as opposed to 2-3 % in regular water bodies)… no1 cn sink in in u cn try .. but u still wont.. ull simply float up.. infact u hv to make quite an effort to touch da bottom of it once u go a bit deep… so its kinda fun.. especially if sm1 doesn’t knw swimming.. u cn go fearlessly into da water.. n 4 1ce enjoy as if u knw hw to float..

On reaching Egypt.. obviously da first thing to do.. go c da pyramids.. so we did at a sound n lights show at nite n den again went der in da morning .. da pyramids obviously form an imposing structure… da 3 pharos kiops, kafren n mikernos must be appreciated 4 wat dey had left behind cause dat was basically wat had kept da country goin 4 da last 5000 yrs!!.. cause soon we strtd realizing why Egypt as a country is in such a bad state… when certain facts strtd presenting dem selves… facts like.. over 50% of its population is under da poverty line.. facts like till 2 yrs ago.. ppl were allowed to climb up da pyramids… cause 2 yrs ago dey realized dat when ppl climb dem .. its leads to deterioration of da pyramids… duh.. facts like 4 long Egyptians used der ancient temples as quarries .. dey basically took buidling materials frm der monuments to simply make der own houses.. facts like .. Egyptians burned der ancient papyrus scrolls to make fire!!! N dat too in da temples.. dats rite.. da reason Egyptians dnt knw most of der history is cause dey burned down most of it 4 things like dis!!! in 3000 BC Egyptians made n used papyrus cause it wud last 4eva.. but dey didn’t knw dat dey wud hv to make it fire resistant too!! .. facts like.. till very recently dey allowed foreigner explorers to come der n ne artifacts or treasures dey find.. dey cn take it wid dem!! … facts like.. in luxor dey have a 3Km long canal sort of thing .. which has sphinxes all the way through.. n on top of dat… dey have built new buildings.. yeah .. so nw its visible only 4 like 100 m… facts like.. in det temples.. dey used dad a symbols n structures as targets to practice shootin .. yeah .. u cn c bullet marks all over da place..!!!
So basically sm 5k yrs ago, Egypt was da land of all da knowledge in da wrld.. it had brilliant engineers who made fascinating structures.. brilliant doctors who made mummies dat till date keep da bodies preserved … it had awesome painters n artisans who decorated da tombs n pyramids.. n a crazy amount of gold .. but over da years it had the dumbest ppl livin der.. who destroyed da buildings which could hv promoted tourism .. who burned da scrolls of knowledge dat could hv taught dem so much more dan just preserving bodies.. dat hv looted da tombs .. basically dey hvnt wrked since dat age… n r still livin off der ancestors.. well barely living.. as of nw.. Egypt lies barren… 10 m on either side of da nile n it’s a complete desert .. 99.52 % of it is!!..
But I guess nw it is waking up to its history .. only 35% of da tombs n temples hv been discovered…. Of course da pyramids r da symbols 4 egypt but ders more to da country dan dat nw.. da temples of luxor n karnark r grand structures… with imposing statues .. n obelisks infact da obelisk at “palace de la concorde” in Paris cms frm da Temple of Luxor.. oder dan dat it has sm oder gr8 temples … like da temple of Philae.. which lay at da bottom of da river nile sm years ago.. but now stands on an island close by totally reconstructed as it was earlier found.. just as da temple of abu simbel was too reconstructed.. completely wid a mountain also being made in which da tomb is kept..
The tombs well dey were da successors of da pyramids.. da purpose da same.. but dey were used as dey were more discreet n less likely to be looted as dey were concealed .. dey were built n buried so dat no trace was left of it being der.. a gr8 idea 4 preservation .. but not quite so 4 ppl like us… nw dat Egyptians have actually realized da importance of der history .. dey hv actually strtd lukin more seriously 4 tombs.. especially after dey found da tomb of tutenkhamen .. n his treasures.. which btw r seriously craaaaazyyy… I mean he had like 5 coffins.. 1 inside da oder.. all made of solid gold.. da biggest coffin is da size of a decently big room .. n even outside it der was lots of jewellery all to be used by him in his nxt life.. so nw u cn often c a lot of wrk being done in da valley of kings, luxor as dey r desperate to find more of such tombs.. n actually dey R findin lots of temples n toms I was der dey were close to finding dat of king Ramses V..
The mummies… well dey r freakishly well preserved… n lukin at dose dead bodies.. well its nt da best of feelings… as in sm of da skin isn’t even der.. sm mummies hv weird expressions.. ugly hair.. all of dem totally black though dat depends on da kind of mummification bad nails .. plus just da feelin of standin nxt to a dead body obviously is eerie… n dat too 5000 yrs old!! It seems rite out of sm cheap scary muvi… n u knw da Egyptians mummified everythin .. even animals.. n fruits!!... though after a weird tradition (4 humans).. whr dey wud weigh da heart of da person being mummified against da feather… if da heart is heavier.. den it is fed to an animal .. if nt.. den it means da heart has no guilt so da person is pure n deserves to be mummified.. a process dat took frm 40-70 days… n da tombs.. well da kings wud strt building der tombs as soon as dey became kings… its almost as if dey were eager to die… n da only thing dey cared abt was hw much dey wud be takin into der nxt life..
The food, well its quite good if ur a non vegetarian… cause its all abt kebabs .. though oder dan dat.. its basically an Arabic sort of a culture.. so u hv humus, peta bread, shawrmas n falafel as da common dishes.. da only prob .. beef.. too much of it.. u never knw when u might just end up eatin it.. u knw 4 a country dat thrives on tourism .. n is actually quite dependent on india.. ( dey owe a lot to us… infact dey even use the CBSE system in der skuls)… dey shud hv more chicken .. or veg.. u knw .. just walkin down ne street da vendors will strt yellin at u .. “hey india” to attract u .. n den strt off wid “ hey amitab bachchan .. shah rukh khan “ its basically all dey knw abt india.. n dey actually think dat its gonna help dem make a sale.. ( ok I wont strt off callin dem idiots again .. but still .. I mean c’mon!!!)
Neways.. da trip was loads of fun .. had a lot a lot to do a 4 cruise on the nile stopping at various “cities” ( or villages wateva) to hv a luk at new temples of diff gods.. each wid da same story .. :D.. abt offerings to da gods n all.. n den bak to cairo n bak here… aahh.. home sweet home.. finally .. my internet.. finally my phone.. finally my frnds… finally my sleep… finally my frnds.. J